Déneigement VIP Brossard

Residential Snow Cleaning

Déneigement VIP Brossard offers residential snow clearing at a fixed price for the duration of the regular season. Our contract ensures prompt and efficient service to keep your driveway free of snow. We are fully equipped and experienced to handle the worst storms and hazardous conditions throughout the winter season. Let us help you reduce the stress and worry that comes with snowy weather.


We are small company available only to few residents of a selected area. By limiting number of clients, we maximize the level of service provided.

Keep your driveway safe and clear
with Déneigement VIP Brossard

To provide you the best of services, we request that your vehicle not be in the driveway by 9am. If impossible, a snow clearing service will be available the following day if you contact us.

After 9am, a second pass will be done to clear the snow from empty driveway. A third visit during the day (if necessary) for additional accumulations.


Construction & renovations in 2003

We began as Montreal construction and renovation company in 2003. That kept us busy for many years.

Specialized equipment in 2016

In 2016, we had decided to branch out into specialized equipment. Thus, we are now able to extend the same level of service in the residential snow removal operations.

Small company with concentrated areas

Since then, we have gradually expanded […], making hundreds of happy clients along the way. We do not have a call center like other snow removal companies, but we offer dedicated service to a few residents of a selected area.

Maximizing service and support

We keep our team concentrated in a given area to maximize the level of service. Providing the highest level of service is vital to us. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.


Déneigement VIP Brossard will clean your driveway efficiently and in a timely manner.

Click for your free estimate

Frequently Asked Questions

What areas do you serve?

Brossard sections A, B and M.

How many years have you been in business?

We have been in business since 2003. We have made the transition to specialized equipment in 2016.

After how many centimetres of snow do you go out?

Our services are provided once 5 centimetres of snow has accumalated. If a higher level of service is required, we can accommodate and reflect this in the contract.

How soon after a snowfall will I be serviced?

Driveways will be cleared once storm has ended and at least 5cm (2”) of snow has accumulated unless special circumstances are specified upon contract signing. Large storms lasting significant time will require multiple plows to keep areas open. In the event of a disagreement, the accumulation amount for the snowfall occurrence will be verified by Environment Canada Live radar.

All driveways will be cleared at least once within 10 hours of a 5cm accumulation. A second clearing may be necessary and will be done after it stops snowing. Depending where you are on a route, you can expect our first visit between 1-12 hours after the bulk of the snow has fallen.

Once the city has finished street clearing, we will head back out again to clean up the end of your driveway.

What is the best way to reach you?

In order to provide the best communications to all our customers (and keep rates low!), we ask that everybody please email if possible.

If you do not have access to email, feel free to call of course, and kindly leave us a message one time.  Please allow up to 24hrs for a response (for both emails and phone calls), especially during storms when there is more of a demand.

What is the contract period?

November 15th – April 15th

What kind of equipment will you use to clear my driveway?

We have tractors (40 to 100 hp) with pull type inverted blowers, as well as specialized skid steers.

Do you have a seasonal snowfall limit? And, what is your policy once this limit is reached?

Yes, our contract will cover you for the regular season, up to 300 cm (10 Ft) .We reserve the right to invoke a surcharge for accumulations in excess of this limit. In such cases, a fee of $50 will be charged to the customer.

What is your property damage policy?

Our drivers are required to report any damages caused to your property. This information is then recorded and logged for repair in the spring unless it is of an urgent nature. Exclusions to this rule include any and all items left in the immediate work area of our equipment (i.e. on the driveway). Examples would be flower pots, planters, downspouts, recycling bins, garbage cans, basketball nets, children’s toys, and extension cords. Our office staff or drivers should report damages directly to you at the time of the incident, but you can always verify with our office staff, the day following the incident, if you have any concerns.

What about the water valve in my driveway?

It is the responsibility of the home owner to contact the city if a water valve cap is protruding from the driveway. You should request a service technician to lower the pipe and cap to the level of the driveway. This service is free of charge. If the cap is not level with the driveway, it may very likely get hit and blown onto the lawn! Please make sure the city takes care of this situation before the first snow, otherwise the city may charge you for repairs in the spring.

Snow removal coverage area

Brossard - Deneigement VIP
Click here for our snow removal guide
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